Thursday, July 31, 2014

Public Display Of...

So the other day, I went to happy hour with the sissies, and I saw a girl there, who inspired this post. Now I don’t know her, nor am I trying to put her down in any kind of way, she is just the lucky source of my inspiration for today.
I swear society has particular bias and ridiculous standards when it comes to the sexy patates, and whether you want to admit it or not, you all have judged us one time in your life based on those retarded unspoken guidelines.
For example, fat people eating in public. Yes we do eat, like any other person. No we are not going to consume the entire restaurant. Regardless of our weight, food is still a requirement to survive and we are not cave people, we do have manners and know how to sit at the table and eat properly. If you’ve ever gone out eating with me, you’d probably realize that most of the time (if not always) I will eat less then everybody at the table and that’s not because I’m watching my mouth, I just don’t eat that much. People are big for an array of different reasons, not saying that eating a lot is not one, I’m just saying that the looks you give us, when eating in public, you should really get smarter and stop it. It is a physiological need we all have. If, for some mysterious reason, it bothers you to see big people eat, let me give you a trick, just turn your head the other way. Now my sexy patates, please do eat with class in public (and preferably at home too), we have to accept that we do get scrutinized for eating in public, so how about shutting them up. Let’s leave the piggin’out for our rooms, when we are depressed.
How about dancing in public. First of all I want to put it out there, I am an excellent dancer! I can’t twerk for shit but I can do a mean yanvalou! Splits too!!! So yeah, don’t sit there with that ready to burst laughing face because I start bopping my head to the music. I am not about to embarrass myself, yeah my fat will jiggle a little (not if I have spanx on though) but I can absolutely keep up with the beat. Now that brings me to my “inspiration”. See I’m all for that confident patate who’s walking around the club like her shit don’t stink and like she can outdance every single person, but … first lets untuck that damn 2 size too small shirt in which all your rolls are let loose, then stop gyrating like you’re having a bad orgasm. Mimicking sex cannot be what you think dancing is. That goes for all girls, but I guess the fact that we are bigger and probably easier to notice (since we occupy more space), makes us the object of more jokes than most. Now now I know you are thinking again, “I don’t care what they think, Imma do me”, and I get it, but you and I know that it still affects you, deep down.
Now, next time you see a Sexy Patate at the restaurant or the club, just remember we are normal people, we eat, dance and have fun too. So if you have derogatory thoughts about us, just go fuck yourself, seriously.

Until next time my fellow fatties, friends and readers (you too haters, I know y’all can’t help but secretly read). Stay fabulous! #teamsexypatate

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