Monday, July 14, 2014

Welcome to my world

Before I start, I should probably apologize for my language. I am a swearer (except when my mom is around), so yeah expect some profanities here and there and forgive me from the get go. I should probably define the name I chose for my blog.  But first what is a "Sexy Patate". It describes a woman, who,like me, is sexy as fuck in her mind and is fat. Notice I didn't say "but is fat" because I don't think fat is a bad thing, maybe bad for your health but not bad image wise. It is  a voluptuous plus-sized woman who understands her body, who isn't afraid of her curves, dresses her size without dressing old per say and exudes sexiness without being trashy. In other words it is a fat woman that isn't in denial of her fatness so she dresses accordingly and walks around with all the confidence and poise in the world. So again, me!!! Now don't go confusing us with what they call the "thick" girls, these are just skinny girls with big booties. 
 I decided to write a blog because I am pretty sure plenty people can relate to my stories,or learn a thing or two from them. And probably because in my conceitedness I feel that I am super awesome and I should maximize the amount of people that can have a glimpse of my life. More importantly I feel like my fellow fatties need some validating. Yes we are fat, but we can be fabulous. I'm living proof of that.
For those who don't know me,  I'm fully plus size, I have yoyoed through sizes all my life, from my smallest 14 to my biggest, a whopping size 24.  I have tried many diets and weight loss plans, I've had a stomach reduction, and I am still thinking of plastic surgery: liposuction, tummy tuck, torpedo titties, the works!!! (Wait till I get the money, you'll see). So no, I'm not another anorexic bitch trying to tell you how I lost 30lbs and went from a size 12 to a size 3. Anyways in plus size world, 30lbs gets you from a size 22 to a 20, one size down that is all. So yeah, I'm just a size 16, sometimes 18, sometimes 14, crazy girl,  trying to share with the world, what it is like to be fat in a society where beauty is defined by single digits sizes. 
So come into my "Sexy Patate" world, leave your judgement at the door, cuz ain't nobody got time for that, and dive into a world that noone ever talks about, until now. 

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