Monday, July 21, 2014

The Closet Struggles

The problem with plus size clothing is that it literally takes 30 pounds for you to change sizes. Meaning that you won’t notice you’re gaining or losing weight until its 30 pounds too late, because you never stop being comfortable in that size. I know 30lbs sounds like a lot of weight, but I seem to gain it or lose it in the blink of an eye (more gain then lose). Now the problem with that is that you end up with so many different sizes in your closet that don’t always fit. So putting an outfit together, as a sexy patate, can be as hard as shopping. You have to become some creative artist with elastigirl super powers for things to fit right. 
Very often, when my sisters and I, decide to go out, I immediately start thinking about my outfit, doing that very “fatal” match up in my head that almost never works (why I keep doing it is beyond me). I usually have it down to the T, and it looks amazingly good too, that is until I put it on. My head says it’s a bangin’outfit, my body says sorry bitch, you’re just fat. It is almost never, ever right! Gut is out there, spanx shows, shirt’s too short… really never right! So at this point I’m showered, looking at that stupid closet as if it will magically sow me a superb outfit that actually fits, while the other girls just put on exactly what they pulled out. In the end I make everybody wait on me, and in their impatience, whatever else I ask them they say it’s good. At that point I know to double check my makeup because they will let me go out looking like a gold fish if that means being on our way and out of the house.
Now, in their defense, I probably have the most truthful and honest gang one can ask for. They won’thesitate to shut down an outfit real quick without sugarcoating it. I just wished all the patates out there had people like that around them. That would have saved a lot of girls from being made fun of by society because whether you say you care or not about what society thinks, truth is, deep down, deep deep down, right next to the spot where you store how much you dislike skinny people at the gym, you and I both know you do care, even if it is a little tiny bit.
Now, next time you’re going out, even if you feel totally confident about your outfit, and your friends say it’s hot, why not take a full body pic just to double-check, question of maintaining your sexy patate fabulosity.

Until next time my fellow fatties, friends and readers (you too haters, I know y’all can’t help but secretly read). Stay fabulous! #teamsexypatate

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